This was one of the scariest days of Mommy's life. Cole, William, and Mommy took a little trip to the zoo with Nana and Opa, and in just seconds, when no adults were looking, Cole decided to find the train all on his own and became lost. Seriously, seconds. Mommy was helping William, Nana was throwing something away, and Opa was looking at an exhibit, then we were all looking at each other, and no Cole. I (Mommy) will never forget that terrified, heart-stopped feeling--the split-second pause, look-around, and then run. Opa in one direction, Nana in another, Mommy/Will in yet another, all of us shouting to one another and to complete strangers. Have you seen...? Have you seen...? Finally--and quickly, although it seemed much too long--Nana heard from a family, who heard from another family, who heard from another, that there was a lost little boy down the walk, close to the train, of course. And there we found you, sweet Cole, crying, scared, being watched over by another mommy and her children. Another mommy who clearly could feel my own terror. Who didn't judge, but who protected you while I made my way to you. To hug you, to wipe your tears, and to never, ever lose you again. God bless the other mommies. 8/15/2015.