Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Gift from John
Books with Nana
Cole Performs
After some demonstration by Nana, Cole seemed to get the hang of playing his xylophone. We think you'll agree that we could have a maestro on our hands. 12/24/2011.
Nana Demonstrates
Nana shows Cole how to make beautiful music with his cool new xylophone. 12/24/2011.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Cole seems to enjoy eating his way through wrapping paper rather than simply tearing. Oh well! To each his own! 12/24/2011.
Opa's Buttons
Eight Months Old!
From Bobpa to Cole: Part 2
It's a real fire helmet! The helmet used to be Bobpa's, but Bobpa decided to pass it on to his special little buddy. He had a brand new name badge fashioned just for Cole. We're sure Cole will treasure this priceless gift for years to come. 12/22/2011.
From Bobpa to Cole: Part 1
Cole found a funny looking package under the Christmas tree. What could be inside? 12/22/2011.
A Very Amma Christmas
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Cole Meets Santa

Every baby needs a "Baby's First Christmas" picture with Santa Claus. Mommy was rooting for Cole to burst into tears for that classic baby-meets-Santa shot, but, alas, Cole just looked unimpressed and unamused. It's ok, Cole -- you'll realize soon that Santa is, in fact, quite an interesting fella. 12/17/2011.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Standing! (Kind of)
One of Cole's favorite new games is to practice standing (with a little help). 11/20/2011.
I'm a little behind on uploading videos, so this one's a little old. Anyhow, Pat-a-Cake is one of Cole's favorite games, and it usually elicits much laughter. Not so much here, but, well, we don't have video cameras strapped to our hats, which means we don't always capture his roaring laughter, or when he recites the alphabet backwards and skips about unassisted. You'll just have to believe us. 11/01/2011.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Book Worm
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Fireman Bobpa
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Our Little Turkey
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Seven Months Old!
First Snow
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Lange Cousins! Cole and Cousin Ryan('s Mom, Auntie Libby)!
Lange Cousins! Cole and Heidi!
Lange Cousins! Cole and Emily!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Cole is really starting to focus on practicing new sounds! His favorite? "Da," of course. 11/2/2011.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Halloween is for Babies
Afternoon Snack
Friday, October 28, 2011
Cole's Six-Month Photo Shoot: The Meltdown.
Cole's Six-Month Photo Shoot: Just a Baby on a Chair.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Go Hawks!
Six Months Old!
Today, our little man turned six months old! It seems like just yesterday that we were driving to the hospital, not sure whether it was really going to happen that day. Here we are, six months later, and it's been the most exhilarating, exhausting, and joyful six months of our lives. We love you so much, Cole. 10/21/2011.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Union Jack
Bouncy Bouncy Bouncy
For a little while, Cole's feet didn't quite reach the ground in his Roo, but now they're there, and he's got the jumping thing mastered! 10/13/2011.
Sweet Potatoes
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Choo Choo Train
Solid Foods: One more for good measure . . .
If we've said it once, we've said it a thousand times. . . . Really -- we've said it a thousand times: Good job, Cole! 10/9/2011.
Solid Foods: Take Two
Step 1: Prepare introductory solid foods meal (suggested choice: rice cereal; suggested temp.: room temp. or slightly warm). Step 2: Place child in high chair, ensuring child is comfortably sitting upright. Step 3: Remove distractions (such as daddies holding video cameras). 10/9/2011.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Lake Harriet
Monday, October 3, 2011
Solid Foods: Take One
We thought we'd give solid foods a first shot. . . . We'll try again soon! 10/1/2011.
Friday, September 30, 2011
The Roo
Cole enjoys playing in his Jumperoo (a.k.a. the "Roo"). Not so much the jumping part, but whatever. 9/30/2011.