Sunday, April 29, 2012
One Year Old!
Cole Alexander Diedrich, you turned one year old on April 21, 2012. We can't put into words the amount of joy you have brought into our lives over the past year. The memories -- of when we first found out you were coming, of the first flutters in my tummy, of the first kicks, the growing waistline, the showers and anticipation of things to come with friends and family, assembling the crib with your daddy late at night, frantically cleaning our home over the final days as "just the two of us," and, finally, the knowledge that you could possibly be entering the world very, very soon as your daddy and I drove to the hospital that cool April morning -- are all so fresh in my mind. And even more fresh -- the somehow joyful pain as I labored in that hospital bed, my dear husband, your daddy, holding my hand and cooling my forehead with a damp cloth; the nurses and doctor coming in and out of the room, telling us that it would be soon, very soon; and telling us again, and again, that it would be soon; telling us that if it wasn't soon, that they'd make it be soon; and then you, our dear, sweet, tiny little one, finally emerging, all gooey and loved, into my arms. I held you close to me and wept the most joyful tears I've ever wept. You are my blessing, my angel and always, always, my sweet child. To think it has been a year since we welcomed you into this world!
This past month has been a whirlwind. We made the big huge move from Minneapolis to Denver, and the move brought many expected, and some unexpected, challenges. But you, our strong, resilient little man, have made the transition beautifully. The first unexpected challenge was when you took a tumble on the first of the month that resulted in you hurting your finger and a trip to the hospital in an ambulance. It was a terrifying experience for all of us, but you were tough through the whole ordeal. This little accident was followed by a hectic week of your daddy and I taking turns staying home with you and working, while packing and getting ourselves physically and emotionally prepared for the big move to Denver the next week. That Saturday, we celebrated our times in Minneapolis (and your birthday, a little early) with friends at Sebastian Joe's in Linden Hills. And just a few days later, we are aboard an airplane to Denver, accompanied by Nana. A few hours later, we were Coloradans. The next couple of weeks were filled with unpacking, sickness from new daycare germs, your very special first birthday party thrown by party planner extraordinaire Auntie Katie, cuddles and walks with Auntie Chelsey, a weeklong visit by Gramma and Bobpa, adjusting, readjusting, and, finally, settling in with just the three of us.
Despite all this action, you've grown so much over this past month. You are adding a bunch of words to your vocabulary. Favorites (in addition to "mama" and "dada") are "booh" (book), "ck" (truck), "ca" (car), "puh" or "puhpuh" (puppy), "teh" (teddy bear), "us" (brush) and "ba" (ball). You have enjoyed exploring our new place. You love to crawl as fast as you can out of your bedroom, into our room, and down the hall to the master bathroom. You are also a huge fan of your fire truck and cars, which you push around the living room while saying "vrrrrrr." You had an unfortunate bout of "hand, foot and mouth disease" over the past week, and didn't enjoy eating during this period, but since have been eating well. You still love brocolli, yogurt and toast, but also are really enjoying eggs, beans, blueberry waffles and different kinds of fish. You still love to be sung to. Your favorites are "Five Little Monkeys," "Five Little Ducks" (a theme?), a funny little froggie song I made up, and just about anything we sing, really. You are very playful and smiley, and we just love every little inch of you. Thank you, dear boy, for being you. 4/21/2012.
Fire Truck
The fire truck was an early birthday gift from our dear friends, Julie, Aaron and Colin. Cole loves it, has learned the word "truck" (sounds like, "ck"), and makes "vrrrrr" noises as he pushes it around the floor of our empty townhouse in Denver. (We've been here four days and still no moving van.) 4/14/2012.
Good-Bye, 3119 West 47th Street.
An (almost) empty house brought tears to our eyes. Almost empty. See the mantle? Those are pictures of our Minneapolis friends celebrating good times. Our dear friend Julie printed them out for our farewell party, and we left them on the mantle until the very last minute. We'll miss you, 3119 West 47th Street. You saw us through many beautiful, wonderful times, including our wedding day and the day we welcomed Cole into the world. You were an almost-100-year-old (and sometimes incredibly frustrating) little house, but you are a part of so many special memories. And to the dear friends in those little pictures: they were your friendships, laughter and love that helped us fill our little house and turn it into our first home. We love you more than words can say, and know that no matter what our address, you are always in our hearts. 4/9/2012.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Early Birthday
Our wonderful friends, Julie, Aaron and Rachel, planned a lovely going-away/early first birthday gathering for us. Lots of our favorite people gathered with us at Sebastian Joe's in the Linden Hills neighborhood for delicious ice cream and friendly chatter. A particularly special highlight for Lindsey were the photographs placed on the tables -- photos of friends enjoying fun times in Minneapolis throughout the years. Special life-long friends and unforgettable memories. 4/7/2012.
Bubble Face
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
So Tired
Owie or not, a nice stroller ride always relaxes our little buddy. Today's walk even resulted in a pretty nice snooze! Note Mommy's fine work on Cole's bandage. This time, we were actually able to replace the bandage completely while Cole slept peacefully. If only he would always sleep through bandage replacement time! 4/3/2012.
Cole's Owie

Cole didn't find his first April Fool's Day very funny. Nor did his parents. Sunday morning, Cole took a tumble that resulted in Cole's first big owie, a panicked mommy, a hero daddy, a trip in the ambulance to the ER, and a bunch of teeny tiny stitches on Cole's teeny tiny finger. Here, he's shown in good spirits (thank goodness for pain medication), wearing his mitten (with a thumb-hole cut out, of course). The mitten prevents our curious little baby from trying to taste his bandage. Shockingly, he doesn't seem to mind it too much. 4/1/2012.
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