Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tiny Town

Cole enjoyed playing with Mommy's golf ball in between holes at Tiny Town Golf, an ancient mini-golf course in Estes Park (where Daddy has been playing since he was a little guy).  Cole is Daddy's good luck charm.  Mommy's question:  Why is Cole Daddy's good luck charm when Mommy carried Cole for nine months?  Why??  5/26/2012.

Thirteen Months Old!

Cole is thirteen months old!  The past month has been filled with lots of adventures for our buddy.  The most important adventure being his transition to a new daycare in Denver -- Family Flex.  We can definitely tell that the decision to move him to this new place was the right one.  It's so comfortable and familiar -- so much like our wonderful daycare in Minneapolis, the Cradle Club.  (Maybe we have a thing for alliterative daycares?)  Anyhow, within a week of starting, Cole seemed to take off in many respects:  He's been "talking" up a storm -- babbling in what sound like sentences, looking at us as if we should understand what he's saying, and then seeming quite pleased when we nod our heads and "agree" with him.  Cole has also been playing in more directed ways:  filling his wagon with toys and pushing it around, stacking his stackers, playing catch with his ball, drumming on his drum set, and, of course, he continues to enjoy zooming his cars and trucks around.  One of his new favorite activities is watching ceiling fans.  He is quick to point them out in stores or restaurants, and when one of the fans in our home is off, he points and looks at us like, "get that thing moving."  And, of course, we oblige.  Cole has also been eating well.  He loves the burritos and quesadillas his school serves, and really enjoys Mediterranean fare - especially tabouli!  Unfortunately, he also gets a huge kick of out throwing food, much to his parents' chagrin.  If you see him do it, don't laugh!  Cole is a happy, friendly little guy.  He is quick to smile and wave to nice folks, which he'll do animatedly from my arms, followed by a quick, shy duck into my shoulder, and then a peek and bashful smile - it's precious.  5/21/2012.

Our Backyard

Out on the trails in Rocky Mountain National Park.  5/20/2012.

Pine Cone


Monday, May 28, 2012

Whoa, Tiger!

Cole was certainly impressed by the tigers at the Denver Zoo.  Whoa!  5/13/2012.  

Happy Mother's Day to Me

Joy of joys!  Spending my second Mother's Day with my sweet, cuddly reason for celebrating it in the first place!  5/13/2012. 

Feeding Daddy

Our little trickster finds cute ways of getting out of eating his snack.  Sneaky kid.  5/12/2012. 

Touch Here?

Don't mind if I do.  At the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge.  5/6/2012.

The Sounds of Sick

Cole, still not feeling well after his first birthday party.  What does our buddy Neil say?  Starve a cold, softly moan a fever?  Moan away, little guy.  4/23/2012. 

Blair Witch Baby

Self-explanatory.  That is, unless you do not know the horror and glory (or shall I say, "gory?") that is the Blair Witch Project.  Ok, so this is more cute than bone-chilling, but you can at least acknowledge the similarities in cinematography.  4/4/2012.


Ok, I admit it, I'm way behind on the blog, and especially behind on uploading videos.  For this one, you'll just have to take yourself back to early April in Minneapolis to experience one of Cole's favorite games -- attacking Teddy.  Enjoy.  4/4/2012.

Family Portraits

Just a few of our professional "one year" pictures.  4/14/2012.  

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Cole celebrated his birthday in style with a "Very Hungry Caterpillar" themed birthday party hosted by Auntie Katie.  Katie planned everything, from the adorable invitations to the book-appropriate snacks and meal, which was capped with a slice of delicious bundt cake adorned with none other than the  Very Hungry Caterpillar himself.  Cole, of course, had his own very special cake, which was meant for that oh-so-important baby's-first-taste-of-cake-and-mashing-and-smearing-of-sweet-deliciousness-all-over-the-face experience.  Unfortunately for Cole (and the rest of us, boo), he was feeling a bit under the weather on the day of his party.  And we all know cake just doesn't taste quite as delicious with an icky tummy.  Don't worry, Cole -- there will be many more birthdays and many more cakes.  4/22/2012.