Our little man is in the double digits! Holy cow! So big!!! Anyhow, it’s been a whirlwind of a month. If you thought last month was big for Cole, get this: First, he’s got some major teeth! Both his top and bottom teeth decided to burst on through and are now a prominent part of his always-sweet little smile. And soon after the appearance of those little chompers, this kid went wild in the movement front: he’s been crawling up a storm, and while he started earlier this month with a “short crawl, sit, short crawl, sit” sort of routine, the very next day we found ourselves with a little Tasmanian devil. We can’t keep him in one place! He’s also more and more adventurous with practicing walking. He pulls up on everything (sometimes he makes poor choices) and enjoys cruising around the couch and chairs in our living room. He’s a tiny yogi, too: “downward facing dog” is a favorite position of his, and he often steps it up a notch by lifting one arm at a time to grab toys in this position. The funniest is watching him move toys across the room while crawling. To do this, he will grab a toy, throw it out in front of him, crawl to it, grab and throw, crawl some more, and so on, until he and his toy have made it to the destination. In the food front, Cole loves his carbs, and will munch down a slice of toast like it’s nobody’s business. Other faves are chicken, cheese, and a delicious mushroom and shallot cheesy bake Momma likes to make for him. Cole got his first big illness this month: a bout of RSV which led to an ear infection. No fun for our buddy, but luckily it cleared up pretty quickly. Of course, a handful of other daycare sick days have followed. Mom and Dad are quickly learning how to “split time,” with one staying home and one going to work in the morning, and then switching for the afternoon. “Dadda” and “Momma” are still Cole’s favorite words, and we’re certain he knows what those words mean, which we love, of course. We love you, buddy!!!! 2/21/2010.