Wow, oh, wow! Our little man is 11 months old! How has our life changed since this time last year?! I remember quite clearly how I felt, all pregnant, swollen and tired -- and thinking that I couldn’t possibly be more tired. Man, was I wrong. And now, here we are, with this squirmy, noisy, lovable little buddy who brings so much joy to our lives. What has Cole been up to this month, you ask? Lots of things, my friends. First, we are sure he’s picking up some words. “Momma” and “Dadda” are still his favorites (and we are certain that “Momma” is interchangeable with “milk” in his mind). He has started signing “light,” we think he’s saying “up” on occasion when he wants to be lifted, and we think he says “book” (sounds like “buh”). We’re not quite to calling a first word yet, but we’ll keep you posted. Regardless, we can definitely see that Cole is practicing his language and wants to communicate. Oh, and he is very good at pointing out noses (see picture above). It’s all very exciting. In other news, Cole is learning lots of fun songs at daycare and enjoys doing the signs along with them. For example, we discovered the other day that Cole does the “shame shame” finger point along with “Five Little Monkeys” (“No more little monkeys jumping on the bed!”). It’s so much fun to watch. Another of Cole’s favorite activities is to watch the numbers in the elevator down to daycare each morning. We will often park on the 4th level, and he smiles and giggles when Daddy and I count down to the first floor while the numbers in the elevator descend (“ 4, 3, 2, 1, yay!!!”). We love to pick Cole up from daycare each weekday. He still loves the Cradle Club, but he really loves when we come to take him home at the end of the day. As soon as he hears one of us, he looks up, gets a huge smile on his face, and crawls as fast as his little knees will take him over for a hug. It makes a hard day at work vanish in an instant. 3/21/2012.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Eleven Months Old!
Wow, oh, wow! Our little man is 11 months old! How has our life changed since this time last year?! I remember quite clearly how I felt, all pregnant, swollen and tired -- and thinking that I couldn’t possibly be more tired. Man, was I wrong. And now, here we are, with this squirmy, noisy, lovable little buddy who brings so much joy to our lives. What has Cole been up to this month, you ask? Lots of things, my friends. First, we are sure he’s picking up some words. “Momma” and “Dadda” are still his favorites (and we are certain that “Momma” is interchangeable with “milk” in his mind). He has started signing “light,” we think he’s saying “up” on occasion when he wants to be lifted, and we think he says “book” (sounds like “buh”). We’re not quite to calling a first word yet, but we’ll keep you posted. Regardless, we can definitely see that Cole is practicing his language and wants to communicate. Oh, and he is very good at pointing out noses (see picture above). It’s all very exciting. In other news, Cole is learning lots of fun songs at daycare and enjoys doing the signs along with them. For example, we discovered the other day that Cole does the “shame shame” finger point along with “Five Little Monkeys” (“No more little monkeys jumping on the bed!”). It’s so much fun to watch. Another of Cole’s favorite activities is to watch the numbers in the elevator down to daycare each morning. We will often park on the 4th level, and he smiles and giggles when Daddy and I count down to the first floor while the numbers in the elevator descend (“ 4, 3, 2, 1, yay!!!”). We love to pick Cole up from daycare each weekday. He still loves the Cradle Club, but he really loves when we come to take him home at the end of the day. As soon as he hears one of us, he looks up, gets a huge smile on his face, and crawls as fast as his little knees will take him over for a hug. It makes a hard day at work vanish in an instant. 3/21/2012.
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