Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Video Catch-Up: Skiing with Auntie!

Cole's very first ski adventure!  Thanks for taking him, Auntie Chelsey and Cousin Dani!  Whoa!  That was silly!  2/16/2014.  

Video Catch-Up: Gondola with Auntie and Cousin

Cole's special ski weekend with Auntie Chelsey and Cousin Dani got started with a bang!  Cole's favorite:  the gondola ride!  2/16/2014.  

Video Catch-Up: van Cogh at Work

Get it?  Van Gogh?  But he's Cole, so van Cogh?  2/1/2014.

Video Catch-Up: Bouncy

Cole is getting better at the bouncy toy he got from Nana for Christmas!  1/21/2014.

Video Catch-Up: Pete's Shoes

Reading about Pete's shoes with Nana and Opa.  1/19/2014.   

Video Catch-Up: Yay, Broncos!

Cheering for Nana's team!  (Let's face it:  they're destined to be Cole's team, too.)  1/19/2014.  

Monday, July 28, 2014

Video Catch-Up: Reading with Daddy, part 2


Video Catch-Up: Reading with Daddy, part 1

Just a little Fred and Ted.  12/22/2013.  

Video Catch-Up: Solo Pretend Play

Love listening to this little guy play on his own.  11/19/2013.  

Video Catch-Up: Monsters on the Bus

Reading/singing with Daddy.  11/10/2013.  

Video Catch-Up: Red Wagon

Cole pushes his buddy Jude around in his red wagon.  11/08/2013.  

Video Catch-Up: Donnie Doh

Riding Donnie Doh (crafted by Bobpa, named by Cole).  Not sure we're ever consistent on the spelling.  11/03/2013.  

Video Catch-Up: Rolling!

Nothing is better than a little hill rolling.  Here, with Nana at Denver Botanic Gardens.  In November!  11/03/2013.  

Video Catch-Up: Little Witch

He put on the hat, took the broomstick out of the laundry room, and then this happened.  10/26/2013.  

Video Catch-Up: Pretending to Sleep


Video Catch-Up: Iowa Fight Song

Needs some work, but we'll get him there.  10/20/2013.  

Video Catch-Up: Tire Swing

I think Mommy had more fun than Cole.  10/20/2013.  

Video Catch-Up: Basement Soccer Practice

With Coach Mommy.  10/18/2013. 

Video Catch-Up: Flu Shot Recap


Video Catch-Up: Homemade Roller Skates, part 2


Video Catch-Up: Homemade Roller Skates, part 1

He's a creative one!  10/17/2013.  

Video Catch-Up: Brushing Song

This one is a Cole original!  10/16/2013. 

Video Catch-Up: Light Switch

Just playing with the light switch.  10/15/2013.  

Video Catch-Up: Sparkly Phone

Cole admires Mommy's sparkly phone.  (Mommy totally celebrated her new iPhone with a super-sparkly case.)  Funny:  we'll probably look back someday and laugh at these old-fashioned Blackberries and iPhones, won't we?  (Heck, Blackberries are already old-fashioned!)  10/1/2013.

Video Catch-Up: Voicemail

So, I finally decided to trade in my Blackberry for an iPhone, but I'd had this message saved on the Blackberry for as long as I could remember, and I didn't want to lose it.  Hence, this recording of the recording.  I am not positive, but I think the original message from Daddy and Cole was from when I traveled back to Minneapolis in June or July of 2012, not long after we moved to Denver.  9/21/2013. 

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Video Catch-Up: Picking up Playdoh


Video Catch-Up: Cole Song

This video was taken when we were visiting Iowa for Bobpa's 60th birthday celebration.  Cousin Heidi gave Cole this neat microphone as a gift, and Cole recorded himself singing his rendition of "Bingo" (B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O).  At this point, Mommy was trying to get Cole to sleep, but we got a little distracted with the new toy.  As you can see, Cole is very excited to hear the recording of his voice.  8/17/2014.  

Video Catch-Up: Mumford & Sons

Cole singing one of his favorite Mumford & Sons songs.  (Or, you know, some of the words from one of his fave Mumford songs.)  6/30/2013.  

Video Catch-Up: Painting

Our little artist.  6/29/2013.  

Video Catch-Up: Walking in Daddy's Footsteps

Or shoes, anyhow.  6/29/2013.  

Video Catch-Up: Iowa Fight Song (and Dance)

Cole dances along to Mommy singing the Iowa Fight Song.  6/29/2013.

Video Catch-Up: Breakfast Chat

Cole tells us over breakfast all the stuff he likes to do in Mountain Room at school.  Mostly sports, it seems.  6/29/2013.  

Video Catch-Up: Timid T-Rex

Not a very brave T-Rex!  6/16/2013.

Video Catch-Up: First Cruise

Cole takes his first cruise down the block on his new scooter.  I have a feeling he'll pick this up quickly.  (Ok, I know he will, because I'm writing this over a year later, and I know he did.)  4/19/2013.  

Video Catch-Up: Scooter!

Cole got this really neat scooter from Auntie Chelsey for his second birthday!  He was very excited to try on his helmet and go for a spin!  Disregard Mommy's totally annoying voice.  She was excited, too.  4/19/2013.  

It's About Time to Play ... Video Catch Up!

Way behind on videos, so let's go on a walk down memory lane!

Driver's License

Cole made a pretend driver's license at school.  Thankfully, we have a number of years before we have to worry about the real thing.  7/25/2014.


On purpose, of course.  7/25/2014.





Urban Farm

The Urban Farm visited the Green with some of their animals.  Cole got to see hens, roosters, geese, ducks and bunnies.  He even got to ("Gently ... Coooole ... Gently!") touch a few animals.  Here, our funny little guy terrorizes some funny little hens.  Don't worry -- Mommy helped keep the animals safe, and Cole really was, with the exception of one teensy lapse, very sweet and gentle.  7/25/2014.

I'm Opa!

Opa has been very kindly and generously helping Daddy stain our fence.  (Rather, Daddy has been helping him.)  He wisely wears this hat, which shades his face and the back of his neck, and which Cole discovered in our mudroom.  Cole put it on, got a huge grin on his face, and exclaimed, "I'm Opa!"  7/24/2014.    

Talking to Baby (Bump)

Cole likes to talk to Baby Brother through my belly button.  I think he thinks its like an intercom into the womb.  "Hi, Baby!" he says, "How are you?!"  7/23/2014.  


Mommy and Daddy can't figure out how to keep them alive, but at least we can visit the flowers at the Gardens!  7/20/2014.

The Animals are Sleeping

Cole put the animals down for their naps in the tent at the Children's Garden.  He even hugged and kissed them goodnight.  "Shhh ... the animals are sleeping," he told us.  He's a sweet one, our son.  7/20/2014.


Cole gets ready to wade in the stream at the Children's Garden.  7/20/2014.

Sunscreen Tickles

Daddy gets Cole sunscreened up at the Mordecai Children's Garden, part of the Denver Botanic Gardens.  Sunscreen application tickles and results in a very squirrely, squirmy Cole!  7/20/2014.

Chihuly, Again

Mommy could enjoy this exhibit daily!  Today, Cole accompanied Mommy once more to the Chihuly exhibit at the Botanic Gardens.  It was a lovely time, despite a few raindrops.  Cole especially liked the water installations.  7/13/2014.  


Cole loves to help do the dishes.  Ok, ok -- so he mostly just loves to play in the water and bubbles.  But at least he's starting to get the idea.  This little guy is going to be ready to take on his fair share of housework someday!  7/12/2014.    


Cole worked up quite a sweat at soccer practice, so we decided to cool off in the fountains in Central Park.  7/12/2014.  


Another beautiful Saturday, another awesome Lil' Kickers soccer practice.  Cole is getting really good at dribbling the ball with his feet, and his drop kick is improving, too!  On the downside, Cole seems to have a soccer nemesis.  Every week, same kid:  the two boys seem to really enjoy picking on one another throughout practice (chasing, grabbing, stealing soccer balls and cones from one another, etc., etc.).  It usually appears to be in good fun at first, but one or the other inevitably gets mad.  I have never seen Cole act this way with another kid!  At least it seems like an even match!  7/12/2014.

Twins Toys

Our buddy Neil brought Cole some awesome Twins Legos -- TC Bear and Joe Mauer! -- when he came to visit us from Minneapolis.  They came with clickable hats, helmets, bats, gloves and balls.  Cole didn't put them down all weekend!  7/10/2014.

Friday, July 25, 2014


Cole was a super-champ at the dentist.  She counted his teeth again (still 20!) and did a full cleaning.  Only hard part?  Having to keep his mouth wide open and still when he wanted to ask so many questions!  Cole was also very excited to get a new toothbrush and animal flossers.  7/7/2014.


Cole loved playing with Colin's Lego set, both the building and (especially) the pretend play.  7/5/2014.

Tom and Huck

For some reason, I kept thinking of Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn as I followed these buddy-cousins around Sprague Lake.  They're not quite that mischievous yet, but I imagine it's coming....  7/5/2014.

Balance Beam

Cole practices his balancing skills around Sprague Lake in Rocky Mountain National Park.  7/5/2014.

Flag Hunt

Nana set up a special flag hunt for Cole and Colin.  They had fun searching all over the cabin lawn for little American flags.  7/5/2014.


Cole was an excellent helper over the July 4th weekend.  Here, he helps Nana and Daddy set the table for our delicious Independence Day meal.  7/4/2014.

Cole and Colin

Two objectively adorable kids.  Cole loves and idolizes his cousin!  They (mostly) had a blast playing Legos together on the dining room table.  And (mostly) were very careful to not drop the tiny pieces where baby Lila could reach them.  7/4/2014.

July 4th at the Cabin!

We celebrated the July 4th holiday at the cabin with Nana, Opa and the Dake family.  Cole, Colin and Lila sported red, white and blue, of course, and did plenty of flag-waving.  Other thrilling events included a plumbing back-up, which resulted in a late-night call to the (thankfully friendly and competent) plumber and, the very next night, a power outage, which (also thankfully) did not result in the loss of any refrigerated food.  Other than those adventures (and the occasional age-appropriate breakdown), fun was had by all.  7/4/2014.

Red, White and Blue!

Cole had a blast being a part of his school's Independence Day parade.  He chanted "USA! USA!" and "Red, White and Blue! Red, White and Blue!" the entire walk around the block.  His voice was a little hoarse by the end!  Our little patriot!  7/3/2014.  

Independence Day Celebration!

Cole made this super hat at school to celebrate Independence Day!  (And to wear in their parade!)  7/3/2014.

Strider Bike

Cole and his buddy, Caleb, practice on their Strider bikes.  7/1/2014.

Big Brother-To-Be

Our happy boy.  You are going to be such a wonderful, sweet big brother, Cole.  We love you so much.  5/30/2014.

Big Brother and Baby (Bump)

Do you think he senses what is coming?  5/30/2014.

Mommy and Baby (Bump)

Can't wait to meet you, baby.  5/30/2014. 

Our Growing Familiy






Auntie Chelsey and Cole


Lange Family


Gramma and Bobpa

Gramma and Bobpa were here, too, so we took the opportunity to take some Lange family photos, as well as some pictures of Gramma and Bobpa to celebrate their 35th wedding anniversary (on 6/1/2014). 5/20/2014.

Daddy and Cole


Our Little (Growing) Family


Mommy and Cole (and baby bump)


Maternity Pictures

By Acasha King Photography.  I didn't do these last time around, and since we're thinking this will probably be the last human addition to our family, I thought, "Why not?"  These were taken 5/30/2014.