Thursday, January 29, 2015

Big Baby

"Growing Great," says Dr. Noah.  12/8/2014.

Santa Baby II

Happy little Santa Baby!  12/6/2014.

Santa Baby I

Silly little Santa Baby!  12/6/2014.

Four Months Old!

Four months old!  William still loves to sleep--and on his own clock.  This baby refuses to get on a solid sleep schedule, preferring to take his 45-minute cat naps, usually three or four times daily.  It makes getting out and about a little difficult but, on the upside, he's still pretty chill and happy when he's awake!  This month, William rolled over from his back to his belly for the first time, and he continues to practice rolling from belly to back.  Will started baby physical therapy for his torticollis in November and continued his sessions this month.  His therapist says he's doing great, and things seem to be improving.  Four-month-old Will is super drooly, has fuzzy duckling hair, and seems as tired as Mommy with the cold weather, which has us cooped up inside way more than we'd prefer.  Come on, Colorado!  Give us some of your famous sunshine!  12/4/2014.

On the Road Again

On the long ride home from Iowa.  12/2/2014.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Santa's Lap

The boys' first picture together with Santa.  They did great!  11/30/2014.

Silly Guys


For some reason, this picture is showing up upside-down on Blogger.  Which is just well, since these kids are pretty silly.  11/30/2014.

Jump Around

See?  I wasn't lying when I said he got into it!  Also, it was kids' night, so Cole got his very own (kids size large) Saints jersey.  11/29/2014.  

Fighting Saints

Mommy, Daddy, and Cole enjoyed an incredibly fun night out at a Dubuque Fighting Saints hockey game.  Cole was so, so jazzed.  So, so, so jazzed.  He even started yelling and cheering the team on right along with the crowd without any prompting from us.  He was so into it!  11/29/2014.  

Money Shot

After about a gazillion attempts at a Christmas-card-worthy picture, we got this one.  Good thing, too, 'cause Mommy was about to lose her ever-loving mind.  11/28/2014.


Bobpa and Cole play Jenga.  Cole is pretty darn good!  11/28/2014.

William and Bobpa

Think they're related?  11/27/2014.

Final Product

Betcha can't guess which one is Cole's!  11/27/2014.

Turkey Cupcakes

Molly brought cupcakes for decorating with Cole.  They made delicious little turkeys!  11/27/2014.

Cousin Max

William spends some quality time with cousin Max (who is actually Mommy's cousin Heidi's son).  Max and his sister Molly were so totally awesome with the boys.  11/27/2014.

Cool Big Bro

Cole with Aunt Mary Sue, sporting his new "Cool Big Bro" shirt.  Aunt Mary Sue is Mommy's godmother.  She and other family came to spend Thanksgiving with us at Gramma and Bobpa's house.  11/27/2014.

Car Nap

He's dreaming of the bed at the AmericInn.  11/26/2014.

Iowa Bound

On our way to Iowa for the Thanksgiving holiday, we stopped in Kearney, Nebraska for the night.  We stayed at the ultra-luxurious AmericInn, getting in around midnight.  Cole was out-of-this-world happy to get to the room.  He ran right to the bed, bounded on, and exclaimed, "I love this hotel!"  Shortly thereafter he was snoozing away.  Both boys slept great, thankfully!  This picture was from the following morning, when Cole realized he was still in the heaven that is the AmericInn, Kearney.  11/26/2014.  

Baby Luka

William made friends with Cole's baby, Baby Luka.  Cole named Baby Luka after his friend from school who had to move away.  Cole missed his friend so much he cried, and then he decided to name his baby doll after him.  11/24/2014.

Exercise Time

Will has to make a few visits to a physical therapist at Children's for his torticollis.  He likes playing on the mat there and is doing quite well!  11/24/2014.

Baby of Honor

William chilling with the bride-to-be!  11/23/2014.

Dear Santa

Cole's first letter to Santa.  He asked for a race car and a dragon.  Will Santa deliver?  You'll have to wait and see!  11/22/2014.

More Play Mat Cuddles


Kinder Surprise!

Cole playing with his big Kinder Surprise toy (with treats!), a gift from Uncle Sean all the way from England.  11/20/2014.

Blue Eyes

Still not sure whether the blue eyes will stay!  11/19/2014.

Angel Baby


Future World Travelers

Cole and Colin planning their next adventure.  11/17/2014.

Dolphin Watch

Cole and Colin watching the dolphins swim  at the Museum of Science and Nature whale exhibit.  11/16/2014.


Our friends Julie and Aaron visited us for a weekend with their darling children, Colin and Elise.  William and Elise became fast friends ... until she crawled all over him and scratched his face.  No worries, though -- he's no worse for the wear and got over it pretty quickly.  11/14/2014.

Cowboy Cole

Cowboy Cole riding Donny Doh, the wooden horse made especially for Cole by Bobpa (and named by Cole when he was two).  Also, I think the spelling of Donny Doh continues to change.  11/11/2014.


Cole loves his train set, most of which used to be Daddy's.  11/11/2014.

Little Baby Blue


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Hanging Out


Just Another Sunday Morning

They love each other.  11/9/2014.

Truck Pocket

Cole has been sharing his trucks with William.  It helps that he has a fun pocket to put them in.  11/8/2014.

Mid-Morning Snack

A not-great morning ended on a high note thanks to some great friends and neighbors.  We got locked out of our house with Cole and William (and zero diapers) when our garage door decided to stop working.  In addition to fixing our garage door (ok, it only needed a battery, but before we realized that, we had already called about eight garage companies and locksmiths), our neighbor friends provided us with snacks (Goldfish and fruit snacks for Cole; Bloody Marys for Mommy and Daddy) and sympathy.  11/8/2014.


Just a little reading time with Will.  11/7/2014.

Thankful Feather

Cole, Mommy, and Daddy made a "Thankful Feather," which will be attached to a great big turkey  at Cole's preschool.  Cole wanted to depict that he is thankful for school.  11/6/2014.


He was a little baffled by this whole endeavor.  11/5/2014.

Three Months Old!

Sweet William is three months old!  Some of his favorite things remain sleeping, eating, and sleeping.  But his most favorite of all is his brother, Cole.  He loves to watch Cole play, sing, dance, and be silly.  Will and Mommy have been lucky with plenty of nice weather, so they still often go on long walks together.  This month, William rolled over (front to back) for the first time.  William has also been "conversing" with us more (cooing back and forth with us).  We love this little guy so much!  11/4/2014.




William has the cutest little dimples right above the corners of his mouth.  11/2/2014.

More Mat Time

Cole just can't get enough of cuddling up next to William on Will's play mat.  11/3/2014.

Little Engineer

The ramps going up and down from Cole's tunnel piece were not very stable, but Cole was not deterred.  He found a couple other pieces to help stabilize the tracks and continued on with his construction project.  11/2/2014.

Puppet Theater

Cole and Mommy made puppets, and Daddy helped craft a puppet theater.  Cole had fun deciding how many eyes should go on each of his popsicle stick monsters.  11/2/2014.




Cole squirreling around at the Children's Museum.  11/1/2014.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Builder Cole

Cole is very proud of his creation at the Denver Children's Museum.  11/1/2014.

Our Festive Candy Hander-Outers

Nana and Opa reigned supreme on the porch as our very festive candy hander-outers.  10/31/2014.

Another Blurry Half-Smile

Seriously, this guy's smile disappears like a unicorn the second the camera comes out.  10/31/2014.

Batman and Robin

They're both already our superheroes.  10/31/2014.

Batman and Batgirl

Auntie Chelsey loves to coordinate her Halloween costume with Cole's.  This one's a winner, Auntie!  10/31/2014.