Friday, November 21, 2014

Real Baby

William reclaimed his car seat.  9/29/2014.

Fake Baby

Getting ready to take William out on a walk, I find Cole's baby all ready to go in the car seat.  9/29/2014.

Tiny Hand


Skies over Stapleton

Beautiful skies over our neighborhood.  9/28/2014.

Ergo Baby

William enjoyed his first trip to Confluence Park snuggled up to Mommy in the Ergo carrier.  9/28/2014.

Confluence Park

Daddy makes his way across the chilly river.  9/28/2014.

Race Car Drive

"What's that song you're playing, Cole?"  Cole, matter-of-factly:  "Race Car Drive."  9/28/2014.


Cole brought William his monkey to snuggle after tubby time.  9/28/2014.


The boys reading books.  9/27/2014.

Dr. Cole

Mommy is sick, so Dr. Cole came to rescue.  (She has a train in her ear, but she's going to be ok.)  9/27/2014.


Cole practices holding his breath and swimming at swim class!  Lots of work to do, but we're making progress!  9/26/2014.


William took a nice long patio nap on Mommy.  9/26/2014.


Just relaxing with Mom on the patio.  9/26/2014.

Growing Tall

Just not quite as tall as this polar bear.  9/23/2014.

Chautauqua Park

Hiking in Chautauqua Park in Boulder.  It was steep.  We did not get far.  9/21/2014.


Pretending to be a lion with William's Boppy pillow and tickle monster hands.  Roar.  9/21/2014.

Napping in Gramma's Arms


Thursday, November 20, 2014


Cole is always so happy being outside and moving, moving, moving.  9/21/2014.


Cole likes to practice playing goalie.  9/21/2014.

Teammate Teammate Ninja Turtles

Cole and Colin play with Cole's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (which Cole adorably calls "Teammate Teammate Ninja Turtles") at lunch after the candy factory tour.  They were gifts from Gramma, and Cole became immediately obsessed (despite never having watched the show).  9/20/2014.

Grandma Sandwich!

Cole and his grandmas on the Hammond Candy Factor tour.  9/20/2014.

Hammond's Candy Factory

Will and Mommy at Hammond's Candy Factory.  We went on a tour!  9/20/2014.

Opa's Hat

William wears it well.  9/20/2014.

Gramma's Shoulder

Snuggles with Will.  9/19/2014.

Gramma and Her Boys


Gramma Selfie II

Gramma and little Will.  9/17/2014.

Gramma Selfie

 Gramma and her boys.  9/17/2014.

Breakfast with Gramma

Cole enjoys a yummy breakfast and morning chat with Gramma.  Will enjoys a nap in his swing.  9/20/2014.

Sitting on Daddy


Cozy Cottage

Coffee and snacks with Gramma at the Cozy Cottage in the Highlands neighborhood.  9/18/2014.

Will and Gramma

William loves his Gramma!  9/17/2014.

Tummy Time with Mirror


Baby Face



 Gramma comes to visit and fixes everything!  9/17/2014.

Opa's Shoulder

Just chilling on Opa's shoulder.  9/16/2014.

Relaxing in the Sun with Mommy


I ♥ U


Book Order

Cole's first book order!  He circled the books he wants, including "Frozen" and "Sofia the First," both of which he pretend plays with his little girlfriends at school.  9/14/2014.

Tuckered Out

It was a long, active day!  9/14/2014.

Thomas the Train

We took Cole and Will to see Thomas the Train at the Colorado Railroad Museum in Golden.  Cole was disappointed that he didn't get to ride in the engine itself, but seemed to get over it pretty quickly.  It was warm, dusty, and crowded, and the train "adventure" was really just eight slow circles around the grounds, but we did get this pic with Thomas and even got to see Sir Topham Hatt.  William rode along with Mommy in the Ergo carrier and mostly slept.  9/14/2014.

William at the Zoo

Will was there, too, although he didn't see too many animals!  9/13/2014.

Friday, November 14, 2014

At the Zoo with Colin and Lila



Scary!  9/13/2014.



Field Trip!

Cole went on his first preschool field trip to the Museum of Science and Nature!  He and his classmates learned all about outer space!  William and Mommy came, too.  William mostly slept, but may have picked up a thing or two.  9/12/2014.